
The hero is made up of two reusable components:

This component also has multiple variations. Here's how someone would go about adding or removing a variation.

  1. Create a new SCSS stylesheet. (You can copy hero-blue.scss and use that as a starting point.)
  2. Add a modifier that references the stylesheet to the hero.scss KSS modifiers list.
  3. In your new stylesheet reference use hero-[whatever color name you picked] as the selector.
  4. If you are adding a new layout option use hero-box-[whatever layout name you picked] instead.
  5. At this point you should be able to modify your new color stylesheet and see it working in the style guide.

Now time to tie it into Drupal.

  1. Create a new library for your variant stylesheet. (Take a look at hero-blue for an example.)
  2. Make sure that library depends on h4h_theme/hero. This ensures the base css is added.
  3. Update the hero and hero with video paragraph style or layout field to add in your new option.

Deleting a unused style.

  1. Delete the SCSS stylesheet.
  2. Delete the Drupal library.
  3. Delete the value from the style or layout field on the paragraph.
If the hero image is a video, overlay a play button over the image.
If the image field is empty.
Fake form to demonstrate the hero with a donate form.
Fake form to demonstrate the hero with a donate form, but with no image.
Blue color variation (Default).
Dark blue color variation.
Dark color variation.
Green color variation.
Light color variation.
Orange color variation.
Red color variation.
Box right aligned variation (Default).
Box right aligned wide variation.
Box left aligned variation.
Box left aligned wide variation.
Box top aligned variation.
Box bottom aligned variation.
Box left side variation.
Box right side variation.