
The year by the numbers: impact totals, individuals served around the world and financial statements

35 million+

Since 1976, Habitat has helped more than 35 million people build or improve the place they call home.

A young Nepalese woman beams as she leans out of the wooden window of her new, red-painted home.


One mobile unit made housing construction and improvement services available to marginalized families in Kerala, India, during COVID-19. Habitat India and its partners hope to reach 300,000 people with technical assistance and vital information through this service.


Habitat partnered with families in twenty-two countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to improve sanitation. This includes increasing access to safe bathrooms and upgrading neighborhood drainage to promote healthier living conditions.


Over two thousand households in Guatemala’s Sacatepéquez province partnered with Habitat volunteers to install a smokeless stove. Built from adobe blocks and featuring a pipe that takes harmful smoke out of the home, the stoves reduce eye irritation, help improve health and cut firewood use by up to 50%.

5.9 million+

In FY2020, Habitat helped more than 5.9 million people build or improve the place they call home.

A woman and her two young adult children sit on their couch petting a golden retriever.


506 policies were successfully changed or enacted thanks to our advocacy efforts at the state and local level in the U.S. These policies impact more than 407,789 people and access or allocate more than US$544 million for adequate housing.


Habitat affiliates invested over US$146 million in neighborhood revitalization in 2019, bringing together residents and partners in communities around the U.S. to collaborate, maximize resources and foster thriving communities.

12.37 million

Over 12 million people have improved access to land for shelter as a result of policy and systems changes through our 4-year global Solid Ground advocacy campaign.

9 million+

More than nine million TV viewers in Kenya learned how to make incremental housing construction more efficient and of higher quality through episodes of the popular evening talk show, Wicked Edition. Thanks to this collaboration between Habitat’s Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter and Kenya’s NTV, organizations partnering with Habitat in market development work in Kenya were featured, with the program sharing how their work makes an impact and helps artisans develop skills.

9.9 million+

In FY2020, more than 9.9 million people gained the potential to improve their housing conditions through our training ( 257,144) and advocacy (9,714,199).

A hand holds up a protest sign reading "Help make the #CostOfHome something we all can afford" with the Capitol building in the background.


345 Habitat AmeriCorps members served 377,243 hours, raising US$324,815 cash and US$102,744 in-kind donations, and engaging 77,116 volunteers in the work of the 120 U.S. affiliates that hosted them.


Habitat ReStores operate in six countries, including 889 ReStores across the U.S. and an additional 136 stores in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland and Poland.


Over 21,000 people participated in Habitat disaster preparedness and risk reduction trainings, which help communities around the world grow more resilient to disasters and other shocks.

nearly 1 million

Nearly one million volunteers helped build, advocate and raise awareness about the global need for shelter in the past fiscal year.

A large group of Habitat volunteers in colorful t-shirts at the 2019 Carter Work Project

Individuals served

FY2020 summary

Habitat for Humanity’s strategic plan looks at the number of individuals impacted by our work. The Habitat network reports our work as a mix of households and individuals. To present our figures as individuals, we multiply by five the number of households served by our international work, and we multiply by four (or by two for repairs) the number of households served by our work in the U.S. and Canada. The data presented in the following tables have been through this conversion.

United States & Canada
New & rehab construction 14,884
Repairs 14,552
Total 29,436
Latin America & the Caribbean
New & rehab construction 27,670
Incremental construction 22,690
Repairs 44,660
Professional services 22,750
Market development 1,842,090
Civil society facilitation 3,060
Total 1,962,920
Europe, Middle East & Africa
New & rehab construction 4,730
Incremental construction 89,370
Repairs 7,805
Professional services 12,665
Market development 1,885,280
Civil society facilitation 8,390
Total 2,008,240
Asia & the Pacific
New & rehab construction 16,570
Incremental construction 88,720
Repairs 11,515
Professional services 31,405
Market development 1,583,995
Civil society facilitation 218,610
Total 1,950,815
New and rehab construction
New houses are 100% newly constructed and meet Habitat for Humanity quality standards and local building codes. Rehabs are restorations of houses that once met Habitat’s standards and local building codes but needed major, usually structural, work to bring them back to these standards and codes.
Minor restoration, such as patching roofs or walls or replacing materials in houses that still meet Habitat’s quality standards and local building codes.
Market development
Individuals served with better housing through the private sector as a result of a Habitat program.
Incremental construction
An intervention that fully addresses one or more of the five Habitat for Humanity quality standards:
  • Adequate size
  • Durable construction
  • Secure land tenure rights
  • Access to adequate amounts of clean water
  • Proper sanitation
Professional services
Preconstruction advice or design services provided directly by Habitat professionals to the household, for specific construction projects.
Civil society facilitation
Partnerships in which Habitat leads community-based and nongovernmental organizations in a program designed to expand adequate and affordable housing.
Map of world showing countries Habitat was active in.

Financial statements

Habitat for Humanity International, FY2020

Habitat for Humanity’s generous and dedicated donors and partners continue to fuel and fund our work around the world.

Your contributions — coupled with strong stewardship measures across the organization — have created a strong foundation for continued success, even with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis and global uncertainty that still follow in its wake.

Habitat has been fortunate to have strong financial results for the few years leading up to these current circumstances, a fact that positions us well to weather economic changes. Ever mindful of those changes and challenges, we forge ahead with our strategic focus on initiatives that will position us even more strongly to have a real impact on the world’s affordable housing crisis — and to build alongside the families who so desperately need to build or improve places to call home. We remain committed stewards of the financial resources you entrust to us.

We continue to grow our programs in the areas of housing microfinance and other lending solutions, as we also explore additional new technologies that will help more families around the world build more sustainable and more affordable housing solutions. Our advocacy work intensifies and evolves, and we continue to work in disaster risk reduction and response, particularly in Puerto Rico where recovery and repair from the 2017 hurricane devastation is ongoing.

Thank you for making all of this possible — and so much more. With your partnership and financial support, we continue to work toward our vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Michael E. Carscaddon
Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration, and Chief Financial Officer, Habitat for Humanity International

Habitat for Humanity International’s auditors have expressed an unqualified opinion on our June 30, 2020, consolidated financial statements. Those financial statements include associated notes that are essential to understanding the information presented here. The full set of statements and notes is available for download.

All figures presented are in thousands of dollars.

Consolidated financial information

Source of funds
Contributions $199,627
Donated product $41,385
Government grants $13,802
Other income $32,972
Total revenue $287,786
Use of funds
Program - U.S. affiliates $115,095
Program - international affiliates $78,527
Program - public awareness and advocacy $19,288
Fundraising $54,047
Management and general $19,458
Total expenses $286,415

Consolidated statements of financial position

As of June 30
  FY2020 FY2019 $ change % change
Cash and cash equivalents $130,474 $54,380 $76,094 140%
Investments at fair value $112,275 $178,951 $(66,676) -37%
Receivables $141,471 $172,042 $(30,571) -18%
Other assets $31,011 $27,508 $3,503 13%
Total assets $415,231 $432,881 $(17,650) -4%
Liabilities and net assets
  FY2020 FY2019 $ change % change
Total liabilities $170,761 $189,400 $(18,639) -10%
Net assets
Without donor restriction $134,984 $119,987 $14,997 12%
With donor restriction $109,486 $123,494 $(14,008) -11%
Total net assets $244,470 $243,481 $989 0%
Total assets $415,231 $432,881 $(17,650) -4%

Consolidated statements of activities

Year ended June 30
Revenues and gains
  FY2020 FY2019 $ change % change
Contributions $199,627 $197,354 $(2,273) 1%
Donated product $41,385 $42,191 $(806) -2%
Government grants $13,802 $15,753 $(1,951) -12%
Other income, net $32,972 $45,221 $(12,249) -27%
Total revenues and gains $287,786 $300,519 $(12,733) -4%
  FY2020 FY2019 $ change % change
Program services
U.S. affiliates $115,095 $121,512 $(6,417) -5%
International affiliates $78,527 $85,843 $(7,316) -9%
Public awareness and education $19,288 $16,647 $(2,641) 16%
Total program services $212,910 $224,002 $(11,092) -5%
Supporting services
Fundraising $54,047 $49,265 $4,782 10%
Management and general $19,458 $14,986 $4,472 30%
Total supporting services $73,505 $64,251 $9,254 -14%
Total expenses $286,415 $288,253 $(1,838) -1%
Losses on contributions receivable $382 $176 $206 117%
Total expenses and losses on contributions receivable $286,797 $288,429 $(1,632) -1%
Change in net assets $989 $12,090 $(11,101) -92%

Combined finances


The audited financial statements of Habitat for Humanity International reflect only part of Habitat’s work around the world. As autonomous nonprofit organizations, Habitat for Humanity affiliates and national organizations keep their own records of revenues and expenditures. To better demonstrate the magnitude of the movement, Habitat for Humanity International annually compiles combined (unaudited) financial amounts for Habitat for Humanity in total.

For the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2019, we estimated the total impact of the entire Habitat for Humanity mission was as follows:

Total revenue of $2.3 billion
Total net assets of $3.2 billion

Source of funds
Contributions and grants $808 million
Gifts-in-kind $718 million
Sales of homes $657 million
Other income $126 million
Use of funds
Program $1.6 billion
Fundraising $154 million
Management and general $184 million