
Our spokespeople

Europe, Middle East and Africa


Habitat for Humanity has extensive knowledge of the housing and shelter sector throughout Europe, Middle East and Africa. For comments and interviews on today’s housing news, we can connect you with spokespeople across the region.

Please contact:

  1. Europe and the Middle east
    Katarzyna Jasik-Caínzos
    Communications Director, Europe and the Middle East 
    Phone: +32 478 88 79 08
    Email: [email protected]
  2. Africa
    Caroline Nyamamu
    Communications Director, Africa
    Phone: +254 759 067 659
    Email: [email protected]



Stories from our region

A Swing Toward Normalcy: A Ukrainian Girl’s Journey to Finding Peace Again

Waiting at the door with eyes filled with curiosity, 11-year-old Veronika greeted our Habitat for Humanity Hungary team as they arrived to install her brand new drop swing. For Veronika, who lives with autism, consistency and security are crucial. Having fled from Ukraine and endured the torment of war, the drop swing is more than just a piece of furniture; it’s a sanctuary where she can retreat when life becomes overwhelming.

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Jordan's Middle East Refugee Crisis Initiative (MERCI): Addressing the Challenge of Decent Housing

Jordan, home to one of the highest per capita shares of refugees in the world, faces significant challenges. Out of its 11 million population, one-third are refugees from neighboring countries like Palestine, Syria, and Iraq. Most have arrived in the last two decades due to regional conflicts, exerting immense pressure on the country’s public services, energy resources, and notably its water supply, as Jordan is one of the most water-scarce nations globally. For low-income families, securing decent housing is a major challenge due to economic conditions. With an unemployment rate of approximately 26%, over 2 million Jordanians lack access to affordable housing, and 1.36 million live in poor conditions. According to the UNHCR, 80% of refugees in Jordan live below the poverty line, including 60% who live in extreme poverty.

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