close up of the hands of a Zambian child holding a key.

Advocacy resources and publications

Want to learn more about Habitat for Humanity’s policy and advocacy efforts?

The following resources and publications will give you an in-depth look at how Habitat’s global network changes laws and shapes policies to improve access to adequate and affordable housing for families in need of a place to call home.

U.S. National Advocacy Agenda

The National Advocacy Agenda promotes four key themes and example policy solutions that Habitat believes need to be addressed comprehensively — at the local, state and federal levels — to increase access to quality housing.

Habitat’s 2023-2024 U.S. Federal Policy Agenda

Our U.S. Federal Policy Agenda for the 118th Congress highlights key federal policy priorities from our Cost of Home campaign, federal resources and programs that are critical to Habitat’s ability to expand homeownership opportunities for low-income families in the U.S. and globally and our priorities for supporting housing security and nonprofits.

Cost of Home campaign resources

Cost of Home campaign resources share information on the need for home affordability in the U.S. and the policy solutions the campaign is working towards to address it in communities across the nation.

Tools for global housing advocates

This document provides Habitat for Humanity International’s commitments and recommendations to the governments and global institutions at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP27, to ensure that climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts help close the housing gap for the most vulnerable.

With this guide, housing practitioners and development experts alike will learn about the transformational impact of housing in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This can serve as a starting point for action, research and analysis for measuring housing impact through the SDGs’ monitoring framework of targets and indicators.

This progress report gives an overview of the global effort toward achieving SDG 11.1. More specifically, this reports highlights the regression of SDG 11.1 — one of five targets in regression prior to COVID-19.

The Global Policy and Advocacy Agenda, through its five key priority areas, provides a framework for Habitat for Humanity International’s global advocacy efforts to navigate an increasingly complex global environment, and reflects a collective ambition to achieve impact in the diverse contexts where Habitat for Humanity operates.

This guide contains steps, techniques and case supports to assist you in growing your affordable-housing advocacy efforts.

This policy brief reports on the impact of COVID-19 on housing and specifically how governments can protect the housing needs of vulnerable populations in developing country contexts.

The Sustainable Development Goal 11 policy brief highlights the functions and structures of SDG 11 and the work Habitat does to support it.

Solid Ground: Resources for land advocates

This report and its accompanying case studies document and analyze the advocacy efforts of the Solid Ground campaign to foster support for our continued work to improve land policy long beyond the close of the campaign.

The Solid Ground campaign issue briefs offer in-depth analysis on the four thematic areas addressed through the global advocacy campaign, including case studies highlighting our work around the world. 

Shelter reports

These policy-specific reports highlight shelter issues around the world and in the U.S.

Public statements

Read news updates from our policy experts regarding legislative and regulatory developments that allow us to help more families build strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter.


Habitat for Humanity does more than build. We also advocate to change policies and systems to improve access to adequate affordable housing. Learn more and how you can get involved.

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Cost of Home advocacy campaign

Nearly 1 in 6 families pay more than half of their income on housing. Learn how we took a stand to advocate for policies that helped improve home affordability for millions of people across the U.S. through our five-year Cost of Home advocacy campaign.

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Home Equals

Home Equals is a five-year global advocacy campaign committed to achieving policy change to ensure that people living in informal settlements have equitable access to adequate housing. Together, with partners, governments and communities, we can create lasting change.

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