A Swing Toward Normalcy: A Ukrainian Girl’s Journey to Finding Peace Again

Waiting at the door with eyes filled with curiosity, 11-year-old Veronika greeted our Habitat for Humanity Hungary team as they arrived to install her brand new drop swing. For Veronika, who lives with autism, consistency and security are crucial. Having fled from Ukraine and endured the torment of war, the drop swing is more than just a piece of furniture; it’s a sanctuary where she can retreat when life becomes overwhelming.

Waiting at the door with eyes filled with curiosity, 11-year-old Veronika greeted our Habitat for Humanity Hungary team as they arrived to install her brand new drop swing. For Veronika, who lives with autism, consistency and security are crucial. Having fled from Ukraine and endured the torment of war, the drop swing is more than just a piece of furniture; it’s a sanctuary where she can retreat when life becomes overwhelming.

instaling a swing

The past two years have been incredibly challenging for Veronika and her mother, Viki. As a single mom, Viki had to make the difficult decision to flee Kyiv after the Russian bombings began. Initially, she believed the war would be temporary and stocked their apartment with essential items. However, on March 8th, it became clear they had to leave. “I looked out the window in horror, seeing people frantically packing their belongings like thousands of ants. Everyone wanted to escape,” Viki recalls. In a panic, they left Kyiv with just a suitcase and a backpack, leaving behind everything familiar to Veronika and witnessing the destruction of Hostomel airport on their way.

woman talking

They initially sought refuge with Viki’s mother outside Kyiv, but soon the shelling followed. A rocket even landed in a neighbor’s yard, forcing them to hide in a basement in freezing temperatures for three days. This was far from ideal for Veronika, whose condition required stability and consistency.

Girl similing

Determined to find a safe and stable environment, Viki sought a long-term solution and found a suitable place in Lviv. However, bombing soon reached there as well. Panicked, she decided to head to Poland and then to Georgia, but long waits at the border led her to change plans and head to Hungary.

Their goal was Budapest, knowing the city had the resources Veronika needed. Initially, they were placed in a temporary shelter far from the city, feeling isolated and misunderstood due to the language barrier. “In the first days, I just cried. The uncertainty with a child was the most difficult thing for me. Everything was foreign: the people, the language, the environment. I didn’t know anything or anyone and couldn’t talk to anyone. I felt so alone. No one understood that my daughter had special dietary needs, nor did they let me into the kitchen. Veronika could not eat anything, and I didn’t know what to do. One night, a Ukrainian couple arrived at the shelter. I cried even louder, but this time because of happiness. We weren’t alone anymore.”

Girl on a swing with her mom

Over time, Viki began making plans again. She searched for schools and suitable housing in Budapest but faced numerous rejections due to their refugee status and Veronika’s autism. Eventually, a compassionate Russian lady helped them find an apartment, arranging everything for them. This marked a new beginning for Viki and Veronika.

“The moment we secured the apartment, I felt a huge sense of relief and safety!” Viki recalls. “This chance for a new beginning gave me the strength to keep going. I don’t want to remember the hopelessness of sitting and waiting helplessly.”

mom hugging her daughter

In addition to the swing, Habitat for Humanity Hungary also provided household appliances to support Veronika’s special dietary needs. Veronika has started attending school, and Viki is persistently seeking employment. She is hopeful for the future because, for so long, her goal was to find stability. Now that she has found it, she and her daughter can begin rebuilding the life they lost in Kyiv.

A Swing Toward Normalcy: A Ukrainian Girl’s Journey to Finding Peace Again
A young girl on a swing

A Swing Toward Normalcy

A Ukrainian Girl’s Journey to Finding Peace Again

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Young girl in a swing

Jordan's Middle East Refugee Crisis Initiative (MERCI): Addressing the Challenge of Decent Housing

Jordan, home to one of the highest per capita shares of refugees in the world, faces significant challenges. Out of its 11 million population, one-third are refugees from neighboring countries like Palestine, Syria, and Iraq. Most have arrived in the last two decades due to regional conflicts, exerting immense pressure on the country’s public services, energy resources, and notably its water supply, as Jordan is one of the most water-scarce nations globally.

For low-income families, securing decent housing is a major challenge due to economic conditions. With an unemployment rate of approximately 26%, over 2 million Jordanians lack access to affordable housing, and 1.36 million live in poor conditions. According to the UNHCR, 80% of refugees in Jordan live below the poverty line, including 60% who live in extreme poverty.

Jordan, home to one of the highest per capita shares of refugees in the world, faces significant challenges. Out of its 11 million population, one-third are refugees from neighboring countries like Palestine, Syria, and Iraq. Most have arrived in the last two decades due to regional conflicts, exerting immense pressure on the country’s public services, energy resources, and notably its water supply, as Jordan is one of the most water-scarce nations globally.

For low-income families, securing decent housing is a major challenge due to economic conditions. With an unemployment rate of approximately 26%, over 2 million Jordanians lack access to affordable housing, and 1.36 million live in poor conditions. According to the UNHCR, 80% of refugees in Jordan live below the poverty line, including 60% who live in extreme poverty.

Middle East Refugee Crisis Initiative (MERCI)

Launched in 2018, Habitat for Humanity Jordan’s MERCI program aims to enhance the living conditions and well-being of refugees and vulnerable groups by creating safer, more resilient homes and improving access to water and sanitation. The project primarily targets urban areas with high population density and inadequate infrastructure. Many homes lack clean water, proper sanitation, and reliable electricity, severely impacting the health and well-being of residents. Additionally, poor construction and the absence of essential amenities such as doors, windows, and ventilation lead to illnesses and hazardous living conditions. Economic barriers, especially pronounced for female-headed households, refugees with limited employment opportunities, people with disabilities, and the elderly, complicate access to necessary renovations.

Types of Renovation

The program focuses on the most vulnerable groups in Jordan, renovating homes to meet basic health and safety standards. This begins by collaborating with the local community to identify at-risk households. Engineers then meet with families to understand their concerns and assess homes, determining the most pressing issues and possible interventions to enhance living conditions. The renovations, which are environmentally conscious, utilize low-cost, eco-friendly construction techniques.

Renovations vary but typically include installing or repairing doors, windows, and roofing, remodeling bathrooms, fitting kitchen cabinets, and conducting mold remediation. A significant upgrade in many homes is the installation of proper insulation, previously nonexistent, which has led to reduced heating and cooling costs. After these improvements, residents have reported enhanced comfort and a 10% reduction in energy bills. Another critical issue is outdated pipelines that contribute to water wastage. Given Jordan’s limited water supply, many residents face regular shortages due to inadequate piping. However, pipeline repairs through the MERCI program have resulted in a 34% reduction in water usage and significantly fewer water outages.

Picture of a door before and after
pictures of before and after renovations

Impact on Families

Malath Al Zain, a Syrian refugee, and his family are beneficiaries of the project. Displaced for years in Syria, they arrived in Jordan in 2012 and initially lived in Zaatari camp. Due to limited opportunities, they moved to Amman, living in a dilapidated flat with inadequate basic amenities. The poor living conditions impacted their health, particularly their daughter Farah, who frequently missed school due to illness. Malath, a street vendor, struggled to improve their living situation. The family suffered from unsafe conditions, including broken doors and windows and an abundance of insects.

Picture of beneficiary

Malath Al Zain

Malath’s wife shared, “It was really difficult to feel safe at home. We had no privacy, and I constantly feared for our safety, especially because the house was always filled with insects. Winters were the hardest; we never managed to warm the house, always huddling under blankets.

Habitat’s team intervened by repairing the basic amenities of their home, enhancing safety and privacy. Farah expressed, “I never felt comfortable at home. Now, I can comfortably sleep, study, and play—a first for me.” The renovation also included crucial improvements to the kitchen by installing cupboards and addressing basic necessities, critical for the family’s livelihood.

Picture of beneficiary


In another part of Amman, Feryal, an Iraqi widow, also benefited from the program. She struggled with safety and security in her small apartment due to broken windows, a missing front door, and a sloped cement floor. After receiving a new window, tiled floor, painted walls, and repaired toilet, Feryal stated, “I used to avoid staying at home because it felt unlivable and unsafe. Now, I feel secure and sleep better, knowing I can lock my front door and shut my windows.”

Visiting Feryal now feels welcoming, as she opens her home to share stories of Iraq, her childhood country. Her home’s warmth and her hospitality, highlighted by her quirky plant friend “Hajji Dadoo,” make guests feel instantly comfortable.

Picture of beneficiary


Communal Projects

The MERCI program also includes communal projects to address overstretched local facilities and integrate residents into a larger community framework. Through the program, 300,000 individuals have benefited from various interventions. One such effort involved a CBO that serves 250 beneficiaries annually, with 150 being refugees. Maintenance work on the CBO’s building, updates to the kitchen’s water network, and improvements to hygiene facilities and outdoor spaces have made a substantial difference, especially for children and the elderly. To learn more about the MERCI program, read more in our fact sheet.

pictures of before and after projects
Jordan Refugee Housing
Decent Housing Middle East
Habitat for Humanity Jordan
Refugee Crisis Jordan
MERCI Program
Home Renovation Refugees
Water Scarcity Jordan
Urban Poverty Jordan
Syrian Refugees Amman
Community Development Projects
Water Conservation in Refugee Camps
Sustainable Living Jordan
Jordan's Middle East Refugee Crisis Initiative (MERCI): Addressing the Challenge of Decent Housing
Children playing in a new park

Jordan's Middle East Refugee Crisis Initiative (MERCI)

Addressing the Challenge of Decent Housing


Celebrating youth and women in construction


Habitat for Humanity Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter (TCIS) had the honour of attending a graduation ceremony hosted by our valued partner, The Toolkit Skills and Innovation Hub (TTI) on June 5th, 2024 in Nairobi.

It was a day filled with excitement and promise as youth from diverse backgrounds gathered to receive internationally recognized certifications in various technical skills.

Graduation ceremony in progress

With support from our donor Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE), Habitat for Humanity’s TCIS, has partnered with The Toolkit Skills and Innovation Hub, along with young innovators, TVET institutions, government agencies, and the public sector to equip youth with skills necessary for providing quality housing construction services and materials, and to offer them decent employment opportunities.

Through this partnership, we aim to impact about 650 youth by providing training and upskilling in renewable energy, plumbing, wiring, landscape architecture, and advanced welding using virtual reality technology.

Deputy Ambassador of Germany to Kenya trying out the VR welding simulator

Deputy Ambassador of Germany to Kenya trying out the VR welding simulator 

The colourful event was attended by various partners, notably the Kenya National Qualification Authority, the Deputy Speaker of the Kenya National Assembly, Gladys Shollei, the Deputy Ambassador of Germany, and our funding partner CFYE represented by Kenya country lead Beatrice Gichohi, among other market players.

Guests at the graduation

From left to right: Jane Kamphuis, Director, TTI; Dr. Alice Kande, Director, Kenya National Qualification Authority; Beatrice Gichohi, CFYE Kenya country lead; Hon. Gladys Shollei, Deputy Speaker of the Kenya National Assembly and Masua Mutua, Regional Manager, TCIS.

What was truly remarkable about this lineup of guests was that it demonstrated the importance of bringing diverse actors together in co-creating solutions to the industry’s challenges.

Beatrice Gichohi, CFYE’s Kenya Country Lead, highlighted this collaborative spirit, emphasizing that addressing youth unemployment and scaling participation for both women and youth in the construction sector requires diverse voices working together.

Beatrice gichohi speaking at the event

Beatrice Gichohi, CFYE Kenya country lead 

This sentiment was echoed by the various industry players who have partnered with TTI to open pathways to internships and job opportunities for trainees. Financial partners like CFYE have supported Habitat for Humanity in our partnership with TTI, while technology experts like Dig In Vision have introduced revolutionary tools like the Virtual Reality Welding Simulator, which has reduced training costs and time from two to three years to a remarkable three months at the institution

Government partners, such as the Kenya National Qualification Authority, ensure that both trainees and instructors receive internationally recognized certification, which opens them up to opportunities both locally and abroad.

This significant need for technical skills in Kenya and Africa was highlighted by Hon. Shollei who encouraged youth, particularly women, to take up space in the sector.

Her words were emphasized by Masua Mutua, Regional Manager HFH TCIS, who underscored the acute need for housing among these groups, especially as youth form the largest demographic in Africa. In this regard, he emphasized the importance of youth and women being active participants in championing solutions and affirmed our continued commitment to support their meaningful participation in this sector.

Masua also noted that TTI’s passion for youth and women resonates deeply with Habitat for Humanity. Their dedication to training and securing employment for the trainees was evident, as several of them graduated in absentia, having already secured jobs in the EU and locally.

Masua Mutua speaking at the ceremony

Masua Mutua, Regional Manager, TCIS

In his keynote address, H.E. the Deputy Ambassador of Germany encouraged the trainees to explore international career paths, noting Germany’s annual shortage of approximately 200,000 skilled workers. He urged them to continue upskilling and highlighted the German government’s commitment to supporting local TVET institutions to meet the evolving demands of the labor market.

The ceremony concluded with the guests reaffirming their commitments to partnering with the Institution to further opportunities in the construction sector.

As Habitat for Humanity, we were proud to witness the next generation of youth and women construction professionals take their first steps in their careers. We look forward to empowering more Kenyan youth and women, driving positive change in the construction industry, and building a brighter future for Africa.

students in their graduation gowns at the ceremony

Celebrating youth and women in construction

Transforming lives in Nepal: Safe homes and empowered communities

Where would you sleep, live, and raise your kids without a safe place to call home? Adequate housing is recognized as a human right. Yet, in Nepal, nearly half of the population lives in substandard housing conditions, hindering their opportunities for social and economic advancement. Like many in her country, 29-year-old Pramila, a devoted mother of two, intimately understands the impact of this challenge.  

Where would you sleep, live, and raise your kids without a safe place to call home? Adequate housing is recognized as a human right. Yet, in Nepal, nearly half of the population lives in substandard housing conditions, hindering their opportunities for social and economic advancement. Like many in her country, 29-year-old Pramila, a devoted mother of two, intimately understands the impact of this challenge.  


Housing reality in Nepal  

In Nepalese culture, owning a house is a legacy parents want to pass on to their children. But for many, despite hard work and consistent savings, the ability to afford a safe and permanent home is out of reach. Instead, they live in informal settlements on disaster-prone land with many hazards and difficult living conditions. Often lacking access to running water, sanitation, or medical care, they share small buildings as extended families and live in constant fear of eviction.

Pramila’s family did not even have formal access to their own living space. They had to park their rickshaw in a neighbor’s yard and cross someone else’s property every time they wanted to go out of the house. Because the construction methods are not up to standard, the buildings in the informal settlements are very vulnerable to natural disasters.  

Commitment to self-determination  


For Pramila, the situation got even worse when her husband had to leave their family to seek employment in the Middle East.  

“When my husband had to leave, it was a difficult time for our family. But I was insistent on not letting adversity hold us back. It wasn’t easy at first, but I pushed myself and took charge of our financial well-being,” she recalls. 

Determined to secure a better future for their children, she has learned to drive an auto-rickshaw and to continue her husband’s business with it in Nepal. This has enabled her to support her family. Despite her efforts, the dream of having a safe home was still a goal, she couldn’t achieve. And even if she had earned enough to finance the construction of a lasting house, the land she lived on would have been too small. Recently, however, this dream of Pramila came true, when she moved into a newly constructed bamboo house. 

Green and resilient technology  

With her family, Pramila now lives in the vibrant community of Nagar Gaurav village. The houses there are built with our Cement Bamboo Frame technology, which enables the environmentally friendly and affordable construction of disaster-resistant housing. This step has empowered her beyond imagination.


“Having a stable home has left a profound and positive impact on our lives, bolstering our self-confidence. It fills my heart with pride to see my children grow up in such a safe and nurturing environment. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had, and I will continue to strive for a better future for my family and our community,”  Pramila emphatically attests. 

Together with our implementing partner, the Hilti Foundation, we aim to help more families like Pramila’s lay the foundation for a self-determined future with a safe and affordable home. 

An empowered idol 

With this newfound confidence behind her, Pramila has worked even harder and is now seen as a role model in her community. By taking part in mason training and helping to build her community, she has earned a sufficient income, which she invested into her business to buy a tricycle. She sets an example for many women in the neighborhood to venture out of their comfort zones and provide for their families. 


“I believe that every step we take towards our dreams, no matter how small, propels us closer to success. As I venture into new businesses and embrace learning, my determination knows no limits. I am driven to enhance my capabilities and forge a brighter future for myself and my family,” she concludes. 

Cement Bamboo Frame Technology in Nepal 

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Nepal’s Ministry of Urban Development reports a need for nearly one million homes in the country over the next decade to meet rising demand, yet current construction practices using fired bricks and fuel combustion are expensive and harmful to the environment. Addressing global inflation rates and reducing air pollution from traditional construction methods is crucial. In Madhesh province, over 37% of families have houses with vulnerable bamboo walls, leading to high repair and maintenance costs. In 2012, Hilti engineers began testing Cement Bamboo Frame Technology, utilizing bamboo as the main structural element to provide sustainable, affordable, and disaster-resistant housing. Thanks to the partnership between the Hilti Foundation and Habitat for Humanity, over 274 homes have been built in Nepal using this method by 2023, benefiting communities, establishing local supply chains, and creating rural employment. 

Partnership between Habitat for Humanity and the Hilti Foundation

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Since 2012, the Hilti Foundation’s partnership with Habitat for Humanity has helped more than 5 million people around the world build or improve their homes by applying innovative, eco-friendly and disaster-resilient shelter technologies, increasing access to affordable financing and transforming market systems. Our partnership is built on four pillars: Driving green construction at scale, creating inclusive markets for innovative housing products, building public-private-private partnerships for holistic housing change, and providing opportunities for employees to engage beyond the business.


Transforming lives in Nepal: Safe homes and empowered communities

Transforming lives in Nepal: Safe homes and empowered communities

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We are helping to transform empty spaces into homes

Have you ever considered the sheer number of unused commercial and business premises scattered about? Just picture this: Rather than constructing new houses and apartment complexes, why not repurpose these vacant spaces into warm and welcoming homes for those struggling to find a decent and secure place to live?

Have you ever considered the sheer number of unused commercial and business premises scattered about? Just picture this: Rather than constructing new houses and apartment complexes, why not repurpose these vacant spaces into warm and welcoming homes for those struggling to find a decent and secure place to live?

This strategy offers a sustainable solution to the UK’s housing crisis by using existing structures to address the limited availability of affordable housing and high cost of land.


Turning unused premises into warm and welcoming homes

Two years ago, a successful reconstruction project was completed on Gale Street in Dagenham, a town in East London. Today, this property claims three bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, a communal living and kitchen space, and an additional guest toilet. After furnishing the place with a mix of complimentary and second-hand furniture, and adding those final touches to make it feel like a true home, it was handed over to the London Borough Council of Barking and Dagenham, who will ensure that it is utilised as social housing for the next 15 years.


The new occupants have been residing in the shared house for a year and a half now. Among them are three young men, two of whom are asylum seekers. They express profound gratitude for the security and comfort of having a place they can call home.


John arrived in the UK in 2002 when he was still a child, seeking asylum from Eritrea. Initially, he lived with foster carers, but like many young people, he longed for independence. Making his own way in the world was a frightening prospect, and he felt nervous. “At first, I was worried. It was my first time living alone. Now I love it. I’m a big man now.” Support from the Council has helped him to learn new skills such as managing money and cooking. He was delighted when he visited the accommodation his social worker had found. “When I first saw the house, I loved it. The people who share it with me are good guys and clean. There is nothing I don’t like,” he said.

Ahmed, also an asylum seeker who had recently left a foster family, shared his friend’s concerns about how he would cope alone and agreed the house had offered a great learning experience. “I have learned many things because I live by myself. We all cook together and clean the house together.” He too loved the house at first sight and especially the extra privacy of having his own bathroom and staying close to his support networks. “Here I also have access to medical support, educational support, and transportation, and I can call my social worker anytime,” he said.

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For both men, a comfortable and secure home has given them the space and stability to further their education.

John is currently studying at Barking and Dagenham College. In the coming years, he has hopes for a career in computer programming. “Now I’m excited for the future. I can start to work and live, to make a family. Before I wasn’t thinking about that. Now it’s changed. I want a family and to work,” he said. 

“It is very important to have a secure and safe place. When I go out, I feel excited to come back home. Here, it is clean and brand new, and when you sleep, you feel good. The bed is soft on your skin,” John reflects with a sense of appreciation.

This project exemplifies the power of collaboration, dedication, and a shared commitment to social impact. The continued support of our partners has been pivotal in transforming empty commercial spaces into vital social housing for vulnerable community members.

We are helping to transform empty spaces into homes

We are helping to transform empty spaces into homes

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Leading by Example: CEOs Unite to Build Homes and Hope in Romania

Berceni, Prahova County, Romania, May 17th, 2024 – In an inspiring demonstration of leadership and community spirit, 48 business and civil society leaders gathered to participate in Habitat for Humanity Romania’s CEO Build event. This initiative brought together influential figures to build four homes with vulnerable families and advocate for better housing policies across the country.

Berceni, Prahova County, Romania, May 17th, 2024 – In an inspiring demonstration of leadership and community spirit, 48 business and civil society leaders gathered to participate in Habitat for Humanity Romania’s CEO Build event. This initiative brought together influential figures to build four homes with vulnerable families and advocate for better housing policies across the country.

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Building More Than Just Homes

Under the motto “Leadership in Action,” the participants worked tirelessly over two days on the construction of four new homes in Berceni, Prahova County. Their efforts are expected to benefit not just these four families but also support another 100 families in Romania in accessing better housing by offering support for home building and renovations.

Adequate and affordable housing leads to better economic, health, and education outcomes; the process of housing improvement is often a ladder out of poverty for families. These changes benefit in turn the larger community, by reducing inequality and building resilience against economic and natural disasters. Build events like the CEO Build are designed to complement Habitat’s broader advocacy and strategy work for affordable housing at the national, regional, and global levels.

Roberto Pătrașcoiu, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Romania, highlighted the impact of this initiative: “The participation of business leaders and civil society in the CEO Build event demonstrates the power of solidarity and social responsibility. The construction of these houses is not just about the walls and the roofs, but about offering a real chance at a better future for vulnerable families.”

Leadership in Action: A Model for Community Engagement

The event was attended by Habitat’s partners, including Ioana Totoian, Business Development Manager at Wienerberger, and Monica Csaszar, Industrial Director of Glass at Saint-Gobain Romania, showcasing a collaborative effort across various sectors.

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Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International, underscored the global significance of such local initiatives. He remarked, “The event was a remarkable success, and we are grateful for the support and participation of everyone. When you get involved as a volunteer, you become part of the community and do something truly transformative that creates intergenerational change for the families benefiting from these homes.”

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A Vision for the Future

This CEO Build event is part of a larger project managed by Habitat for Humanity Romania, aiming to provide homes for 12 families comprising 45 members. These families were identified in collaboration with local authorities, ensuring that the new homes will significantly improve their quality of life.

In fact, one out of ten Romanians faces housing problems, living in homes where rainwater leaks through the roof and walls, creating a damp environment. Additionally, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, 21% of Romanians live in households without indoor sanitary facilities.

By leading through action, these CEOs have set a powerful example for others in the business and civil sectors to engage in their communities and make a tangible difference. Their hands-on participation not only built homes but also hope and dignity for those in need of decent housing, paving the way for a brighter future for many Romanian families.

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Leading by Example: CEOs Unite to Build Homes and Hope in Romania
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Leading by Example: CEOs Unite to Build Homes and Hope in Romania

Africa Day 2024: Championing access to affordable housing for a more equitable future for education

As we mark International Africa Day on May 25th, 2024, we celebrate the vibrant mix of cultures, histories, and futures that define our diverse continent. This year’s theme, “Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive, Lifelong, Quality, and Relevant Learning in Africa,” is not only a call to action but also a reminder of the critical work we are doing at Habitat for Humanity to build resilient, inclusive, and sustainable communities across Africa. A report shared by Habitat for Humanity emphasizes the direct link between housing and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), stating that adequate housing contributes to better health outcomes, educational attainment, economic stability, and overall well-being. The report highlights that improved housing can lead to significant progress in achieving multiple SDGs, particularly those related to poverty alleviation, health, education, and sustainable cities.

Truly, this year’s Africa Day theme hits home as it underscores the importance of education in building resilient societies. Education and housing are deeply interconnected, as stable homes provide the foundation for children to learn and grow and through our Home Equals campaign, Habitat for Humanity is advocating for better housing policies worldwide, emphasizing that safe, decent, and affordable housing is crucial for educational success and overall well-being.

Africa has come a long way since the establishment of the African Union (AU) in 1963. The AU has been instrumental in promoting unity, peace, and development across the continent. However, challenges persist including rapid urbanization, climate change, and migration pressures. While our cities have been transformed into engines of economic growth, these challenges have placed an added strain on urban infrastructure and housing all which present as a challenge towards access to education for all. 

students in a group discussion

Championing policy reform to bridge Africa’s housing gap

Indeed, the world faces a significant housing deficit, with an estimated 1.6 billion people lacking adequate housing according to UN Habitat. In Africa alone, the housing deficit affects over 50 million people according to 2020 research by the African Development Bank, reflecting the urgent need for sustainable housing solutions.

At Habitat for Humanity, we have had the privilege of fostering partnerships with diverse civil society organizations, stakeholders, and governments to develop robust policy positions and amplify the voices of those we serve. Together, we are making strides in addressing critical issues such as urbanization, climate change, and migration, all of which are directly linked to providing quality education for all, across the continent. 


Impact of Conflict and Climate Change on education in the continent

Conflicts and climate change are major drivers of displacement and housing crises. As of 2022, over 103 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced due to conflict and persecution, with approximately 8.7 million people internally displaced by disasters, many in Africa. These challenges are particularly severe in regions such as the Sahel and the Horn of Africa, where millions are affected by conflicts and extreme weather events which exacerbate housing shortages.

As a key response, Habitat for Humanity Malawi has pioneered the use of sustainable construction techniques to mitigate the impact of climate change. After Cyclone Idai, one of the worst tropical cyclones to hit Africa and the Southern Hemisphere, we assisted affected communities by providing emergency shelter solutions and rebuilding homes. This response also included the provision of temporary shelters and the repair of damaged homes for over 10,000 people, providing them with safer, more resilient housing options.

 Among other benefits for the families, this ensured that children had a safe and conducive environment to study which will go a long way in improving educational outcomes.

a mother guiding her son through his homework at home

Strategic Collaboration for a Sustainable Future

While we have achieved great impact, we recognize that the journey to achieving the AU Agenda 2063 and SDG 2030 is a collective effort. Governments, regional bodies, civil society organizations (CSOs), communities, and international partners must work strategically and cohesively. Our role at Habitat for Humanity is to ensure that housing is recognized as a fundamental component of this developmental framework. Adequate housing is not just about shelter; it encompasses dignity, health, and economic opportunity.

 In Kenya, for instance, we   have been actively involved in legal advocacy and policy reform initiatives aimed at improving land tenure security. Working through and with our partners, we have supported projects that not only provide housing solutions but also support education initiatives. This includes constructing classrooms and sanitation facilities in HomaBay County, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the community.

student wearing school uniform outside a classroom

Kofi Annan once said, “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” By harnessing the power of knowledge, collaboration, and innovation, we can drive progress across our beloved continent.

As we celebrate International Africa Day, let us reaffirm our dedication to building a resilient and educated Africa. We must continue to advocate for policies that support sustainable urban development, address climate change, and ensure equitable access to resources. Our collective efforts will not only contribute to the AU Agenda 2063 and SDG 2030 but will also pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for all Africans. Together, we can shape Africa’s tomorrow—one brick, one book, one dream at a time.

Happy Africa Day 2024!

Blog by Grace Ananda, HFH Africa’s Policy and Advocacy Manager

Students in a classroom

Africa Day 2024: Championing access to affordable housing for a more equitable future for education

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