Response to refugee crisis
we will reach 38,500 people
A recent shelter survey by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees indicated that there has been a substantial and continuing increase in the number of Syrian refugees living in poor conditions.
Increased pressure on the housing market has resulted in rental inflation and higher rates of eviction. The policy in Lebanon denies refugees the right to work. As a result, the refugee families find it more and more difficult to meet their basic needs, they are forced to move to substandard accommodations, reduce food, withdraw children from school, marry young, etc.
Some of the refugees have been around so long that they are no longer considered temporary residents by surrounding communities. The resulting overcrowding causes extra pressure on public services and other issues, which often create tension between citizens and refugees. The willingness and ability of host communities and the local authorities to attend to the needs of refugees in informal settlements has been stretched to the breaking point.
Helping refugee families
Our program will target those who are less accessible and will strengthen the efforts to meet the refugee communities longer-term needs. We will incorporate durable shelters, community-based programming, and the evolving support needed for those returning to Syria.
If you wish to support our work, please, donate here. Our refugee program will serve 38,500 individuals directly affected by the Syrian conflict. It will focus on the following groups:
- Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan (including Palestinian refugees from Syria)
- Established Palestinian communities in Lebanon and Jordan
- Disadvantaged host populations in Lebanon and Syria
We will focus on three key areas:
- Upgrading homes
- Upgrading communities
- Helping participants learn valuable job skills

Stories from Lebanon
For the seasonal appeal 2018, Financial Times journalists have visited Habitat projects in the region to encourage readers and corporate partners to donate and support our work.
Read the Financial Times stories from Lebanon:
- Beirut: when home is a refugee camp
- In their footsteps: a walk through a Beirut refugee camp
- Syrian refugee family faces bleak future as debts mount
The whole coverage from the Seasonal Appeal can be found on
You will help upgrade refugees` homes and communities. You will empower new beginnings.