
Uniting through building: Habitat for Humanity's volunteer effort in Romania

Hundreds of corporate professionals from all around the world.
Different backgrounds.
Different experiences.
But united for the same cause.
To help build houses with families that deserve a new beginning.

Turning challenges into opportunities

“Having a safe and decent home is a dream come true,” shares Iasmina, a mother to a young baby. She, along with her partner Teodor, are preparing to move to their new house built with the help of Habitat for Humanity’s volunteers. Teodor works in two shifts at a waste sorting depot in Țuțora, Romania, maintaining machinery. 


Before moving to their new home, the couple lived in cramped quarters with Teodor’s family. There was a small provisionally set up kitchen in the hall and the toilet and storage room were in the yard. The plaster on the walls would peel off due to the humidity in the house heated up by a small woodstove during freezing winters. “We can’t wait to have a clean and quiet place to move in to,” says Teodor.


Iasmina and Teodor’s story is not unique. In fact, 21% of Romanians live in similar conditions - in dilapidated, moldy houses without basic amenities like toilets or showers inside, as per official statistics. Along with 18 other beneficiary families, they share tales of unsafe home environments, insufficient space for their children, and constant battles with mold on the walls. They also face the high costs of heating during the winter, a common challenge in such living conditions.


But now, their lives are changing for the better. All thanks to the dedication of Habitat for Humanity’s volunteers.

Building homes, communities and hope

“What does it take to change someone’s life? Several dozen hands, hearts, and voices that come together to help,” says Roberto Patrascoiu, national director of Habitat for Humanity Romania, whose team is responsible for the organization, coordination and planning of all the volunteer events in Romania.


In 2023, there have been 26 built events that gathered together over 700 volunteers from various corporate companies coming from Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland and Romania. In a total of 104 days they built five duplex houses and two quadruplex houses in three different cities - Cumpana, Tutora and Berceni. Additionally, they have partnered with the Association Hercules, to build a canteen for the Day Care Centre in Buftea (BufKids).


The gift of giving

“With every nail, screw, tile that we use, we put a part of our soul and our good intentions,” reflects Claudia, one of this year’s volunteers.

Volunteers not only contribute to the lives of families but also experience immense personal growth. Greta, another volunteer, shares her renewed belief in hope, kindness, love, and the power of community. Her colleague, Stephen, agrees and shares his feelings: “The most significant outcome of my volunteering journey was the profound friendships that blossomed while working alongside people from all corners of the world, united by a shared purpose and the realization that we can achieve remarkable things when we collaborate. It was as if I had expanded my own family, and my sense of community grew even stronger.”


On behalf of Habitat for Humanity, we would like to thank every single volunteer from our partner companies who participated in our build events in Romania this year. Your dedication and compassion has been instrumental to fulfilling the dreams of 18 families and enriching the lives of more than 150 children from the Day Care Centre.

The list of companies that participated in the volunteer build events in Romania in 2023 (in an alphabetical order):

ADP, Amazon, ArcelorMittal Construction, Arhivolta, Aquila, Auchan, Bento, Dedeman, Dr. Durr, GimmerstaWallpaper AB, Groupama, Grundfos, Henderson Group, Henkel, Hilti, LDS, Penny, PrimaTV, ProTV, Raiffeisen Bank, Rabobank, Rotary Germany, Saint-Gobain, Telus, Timken, UNSAR, VK Architects & Engineering, VKR Foundation & Velux, Wienerberger.

Watch the video from the Hope Build 2023, Țuțora, Romania